Sílvia Ferreira

Sílvia Ferreira answers the Glow Chef Questionnaire

I met Sílvia Ferreira-Campos in Maputo, where I live part of the year.

Mutual friends took me to her restaurant, Soul Gourmet. Days later we met in Johannesburg; coincidentally we were having dinner in the same restaurant.

In fact, the multiple coincidences – our name, the passion for healthy eating, the love of jazz music – stimulated our mutual curiosity. And we went from there to recurrent online conversations.

Sílvia has come to Portugal, to share her culinary and aesthetic vision, in the always fascinating field (at least for me, ok?) of healthy food.

She has been to Albufeira during the summer, hosting a pop-up restaurant, and has collaborated with “I”- the newspaper – where she often shares her recipes.

I decided to invite her for this short interview. And for something else, you’ll soon discover.

The photo is beautiful, don’t you think? This image manages to capture the different facets of her complex personality.

Sílvia Ferreira

What is your favorite meal?

All of them, as long as I eat … But I like large, convivial breakfast tables where we can share a peaceful and friendly meal.

What is your favorite dish?

Mmm! I never thought genuinely about it. I just like to eat!

What dish do you cook the best – always a success?

Chilli con Carne. Not that I eat it, but because everyone always praises it – always a winner 🙂

And what dish can’t you cook at all – it’s always a disaster?

Steamed white rice! Yes, I know, I know 🙂

Which three ingredients would you take to a desert island?

Olive oil, Piri Piri and … Chocolate, cashew nuts, bread, wine, eggs, I must confess that I can’t decide on the 3rd ingredient. Sílvia, can I answer next time?

Where do you like shopping the most?

At farmers’ markets. I love the weekly markets for organic produce, especially those in which we buy directly from the farmers. They feed my soul.

What’s your favorite piece of kitchen equipment?

May I not choose one? I don’t want the others to feel left out.

What do you always have in the refrigerator?

Eggs, mushrooms, and coriander. Also frozen fruit, it’s always useful to make a smoothie in a rush.

Tea or coffee?

Both :/
Is that ok?!

What’s your favorite kitchen book?

I have no favorite books … I am currently enthralled with LAROUSSE Gastronomique. Tomorrow, I’m not sure.

Do you have a favorite restaurant? Which one?

Not really. There are a few that always make me happy.

The best music to cook it is …

Jazz, always the sound of classics like Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington. It’s so inspiring! (Glow Chef here: by the way, I wholeheartedly agree with Sílvia.)

If you’re ever in Maputo, make sure you plan a meal at Soul Gourmet, preferably dinner on Thursdays, which is live jazz day. And you can also get more of Sílvia’s style online:

Pancake recipe for the weekend: on this i-online page

Instagram: @soul_gourmet and @silviaboho

Photo: Ricardo Franco

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