I was really happy when another Glow Chef reader, Cláudia Brito Marques, accepted the challenge of responding to the Glow Chef Questionnaire.
Cláudia is a journalist, she has two super-cute children and she is changing her diet to feel more “Glowy”, to have more energy and, in the long run, being healthier.
The Claudia’s Answers
What Is Your Favorite Meal?
Nowadays it’s breakfast. As I recently introduced some changes in my diet (I’ve eliminated dairy and avoid refined flours, sugar, and hydrogenated fats).
In this context, breakfast can be a challenge but I’m learning and trying to vary my choices. I go to bed, invariably, thinking about what I’m going to eat the next morning.
What Is Your Favorite Dish?
Lamb Chops. I’m completely obsessed with lamb chops (with mint, or rosemary, grilled …).
Which Dish Do You Cook The Best?
Portuguese comfort food, pot stews like “rancho” or fava beans with ribs.
And Which Dish Never Works?
Soups and desserts are not really up my alley. And they never come out great. Soups, because I don’t have a lot of imagination. Desserts, I think it’s because I don’t have a sweet tooth, I’m not very interested…
Which Three Ingredients Would You Take To A Desert Island?
Fresh corn, sweet potatoes, and eggs.
Where Do You Like Shopping The Most?
At Mercado de Alvalade, where you’ll find me every Saturday morning. It’s already part of our family routine. I have breakfast there and it’s where I buy vegetables, fruits, meat, cheese, bread, fish for the week …
What’s Your Favorite Piece Of Kitchen Equipment?
Jamie says, and it’s true … The salad spinner is essential for a well-dressed salad. The difference in the salad, before and after the spinner is abysmal. I do eat a lot of them and there is nothing sadder than a dripping, wilted salad.
What Do You Always Have In The Refrigerator?
Eggs. Most nutritious, complete and versatile food ever.
Tea Or Coffee?
Coffee. Italian coffee maker. “Extra” Lot (from Mariazinha, in Alvalade). Oh, that aroma …
What’s Your Favorite Cookbook?
I started buying cookbooks recently because of the changes I made in my diet. As I have tried new ingredients, which I hadn’t used before, the books by Deliciously Ella and the Green Kitchen Stories have been very useful and inspiring.
Do You Have A Favorite Restaurant? Which One?
Adega da Bairrada (Alvalade). Traditional food. Unbeatable price/quality. Noisy (although it has improved with recent works). Specialties: shank (smoked and steamed style) with sausages, collard greens and cabbage; Portuguese stew; giblets; puff pastry cake with egg curd (there is no description of how good it tastes)
The Best Music To Cook It Is …
The sound of wine glasses, toasting while we cook.