Turkey Breast: Excellent Source Of Lean Proteins! At home, we eat turkey all year round, not just for Christmas! Have you ever had the opportunity to try my turkey meatloaf? Here You Have It!!
Proteins are the macronutrients that are, unfortunately, easier to neglect in modern diets. We should eat them in the recommended amounts for all meals and snacks.
That’s why here at home dinners are always very simple and rich in lean protein – I want to make sure that no matter where they eat during the day, at least for dinner my kids will have a meal full of this important nutrient.
Turkey breast (without skin) has about 24 g of protein per 100 g of meat, with only 1.3 g of fat and 57 mg of cholesterol. As lean as it gets!
I’ve got many simple recipes that satisfy the demanding tastes of the kids and also don’t force me to spend hours in the kitchen. This is one of them – an example of how we can use some good quality pre-prepared ingredients to make life easier. In this case, I’m talking about Thai curry paste.
The main supermarkets already have areas of international cuisine (I would write ‘exotic’ but I was afraid someone would be offended by it). There, you’ll find several curry pastes, both Indian and Thai.
I really like Thai curries and opt for the yellow version because it’s the least spicy of all. Those of you who like spice can try the green or the red.
I’ll give you a tip: green binds very well with fish. Once in a while I also make it, I’ll leave it for a next article.
Attention To The Ingredients
In these type of product, we often find ingredients that are not very healthy like palm oil, various forms of sugar, preservatives difficult to pronounce … so use them sparingly and not too often.
Organic supermarkets are starting to have good versions of these pastes. I’ve discovered this organic Thai curry paste that I decided to try out, and I’m happy I did because it is very good!
Curry – Why Fast?
To be done correctly, a curry is a dish that takes some time to prepare. I started doing it this way because you still get a very nice flavor for your day-to-day cooking but you spend much less time in the kitchen.
Basically, it’s a turkey breast seasoned with curry and coconut milk, steamed in a package in the oven.
It takes 5 minutes to make the marinade and another 5 minutes to assemble the baking paper package. Then 20 minutes in the oven at 180º and you’re done!
To maximize the flavor, prepare the marinade the night before and let the turkey marinate overnight in the fridge.
Low Carb
You can accompany this turkey with salad, rice or pasta – really, whatever you want!
I made courgette (zucchini) noodles, which made everything lighter, less caloric and totally consistent with the parameters of the paleo diet.
Fast Turkey Curry, Or …
Turkey In A Package With Thai Curry And Coconut Milk
for 3 people
- 450 gr of turkey breast meat, cut into medium-sized cubes
- 150 ml of coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon of Thai curry paste, preferably organic
- 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
- 2 teaspoons of lime juice
- Salt and pepper to season
- A few coriander leaves to decorate
Start by preparing the marinade:
- Place the coconut milk, curry paste, ginger and lime juice in a bowl.
- Mix until it blends.
- Season with a little of salt and pepper – not too much because the paste already has enough flavor.
- Then place the turkey inside the marinade and coat well. You can do it in a larger bowl or in a freezer bag, the kind with a zipper.
- Let it marinate for at least 15 minutes – for example, it’s the time to prepare the side dish. But you can also leave it overnight, in the fridge.
To cook the turkey:
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
- Cut three pieces of aluminum foil or baking paper, large enough to fold and fit the meat inside forming a kind of “pillow”.
- Split the diced turkey meat into three parts and place each portion on the respective sheet. Garnish with the coriander leaves and close the “package”.
- I usually center the food in the foil and fold the foil up, curling the ends together – it is important to leave air inside so that some steam is created during the cooking. See the picture below. They don’t look beautiful but they work!
- Cook in the oven for 20 minutes. When you take them off, let the packages rest for about 2 to 3 minutes before opening.
- When you open them, squeeze a few drops of lime juice over each pile of turkey, to give it an additional touch of freshness.
- You have the option to serve the turkey in the papers or just take the meat out to individual plates.
Courgette Noodles
The easiest way to do this is with the aid of a “spiralizer”.
With this simple appliance, making vegetable noodles takes less than 5 minutes. And it isn’t too expensive. Mine has cost £20 on Amazon UK, about 2 years ago.
You can eat the noodles raw, as I did in this case, or sauté them very lightly in a frying pan with a drizzle of olive oil or coconut oil.
Season with lime juice, salt, and pepper.
Simpler than this would be impossible!
Do try this dish, you will see that you’re going to love it. And don’t forget to share the outcome with us. Use the hashtags #glowchef and #healthyeatingmadeeasy so we all can see it!